Tools Needed...
They are not necessary, but some items will make the job a little easier.
- Template you can use mine or draw your own
- 3 different contrasting Fabric's (I used old clothes I like to upcycle)
- Dressmaking scissors
- Kitchen scissors (So not to blunt the other when cutting paper)
- pins or safety pins
- Iron
- Fusible Web Applique paper
- Needle and embroidery thread in you choice of colour
- Box frame (I used a 10 x 10 inch box frame)
- Pen/pencil
- Printer
- Sewing Machine & Thread
Step by step Instructions
- First off print out my template or draw your own (Sorry I did not photograph this stage as I had not decided to do the tutorial :( yet)
- Trace the design onto the fusible web (Remember if you are drawing your own it will be revered in my template the giraffe is already reversed for you)
- now cut around the design leaving a small border (put the leaf to the side we will use that later)
- Select the fabric for the giraffe's body and lay the fusible paper on the back you will now need to iron it for a few seconds and the paper will bond.
- Now cut neatly around the design
- Next choose your backing fabric cut this 1 inch all around bigger than the size of your frame.
- Peel of the backing paper on the giraffe and position on the backing fabric and iron into place
- Next we need to embroider the words write the word onto the leaf that you have printed or drawn.
- Now pin this onto your leaf fabric
- Take the embroidery thread (I used 3 threads from the 6 but use as many as you like)
- Tie and knot on the end and stitch over the words into the fabric perforating the paper as you go. I used backstitch and kept my stitches about 1mm long but again you can use whatever stitch you like.
- When you have stitched over all the words cut away any excess paper with the kitchen scissors.
- Now cut a piece of the fusible interface bigger than the leaf and iron onto the back now cut out the leaf
- Carefully peel away the paper (you can moisten if its hard to remove)
- Remove leaf backing paper and iron into position.
- You can leave the design as it is now and frame
- OR you can use a sewing machine to sew around the design which I what I have done I used zigzag stitch length 1.5 and width 2.
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